Small Business Struggles: How Graphic Design and Branding Services Can Help!
Small business owners often find themselves facing various challenges, or “pain points”. Here are some common small business struggles that can hopefully be less painful when you utilize strong graphic design and branding services.
A Client’s Guide for Collaborating with Graphic Designers
A guide for how to communicate effectively with a graphic designer for your next project. Communicate, collaborate, co-create… congratulate!
Why you should hire a graphic designer for your small business
Here's why hiring a graphic designer for your small business is the smartest move you'll make this year.
What’s your “mood”?
Some helpful tips about making and viewing mood boards for branding, website, or design projects:
It’s OK to re-evaluate
So you've gone down a path, developed your game plan, gotten assistance in developing your brand, or launching your project. And you change your mind. Now what?
Keep your Audience Curious - 4 ways to draw attention to your brand
You have a brand new brand, or one that’s been going to work for you for a while. You know that new eyes on your marketing materials or website can mean new customers. So what do you do to get your audience curious? Here are 4 ways you can draw attention to your brand and get noticed by your target audience.